Sunday 6 April 2008

Dance show and Dressing Up

Last night I went to see the "On The Run" annual dance show and it was a really good night. DD#2&3 danced well and all the children seemed to enjoy themselves, which of course was for the me the best bit of the evening. The dance teachers did well to co-ordinate the event and for the last bow there was over 250 children aged from 3-19 on stage. The costumes were so much better than last year, and thanks to shops like Primark and the trend for pre-made dressing up clothes the costs were low, and I am sure they now have a good collection of clothes for future productions. Sadly it is not the cheaper option to have specially made clothes for these events.

I loved dressing up when I was small, as a girl one of my best friends and I used to trail along the High Street in our dressing up gear, shoes, necklaces, bags and oversized clothes. We must have been a sight to behold, but to us we were glamorous grown ups out for a walk. My friend's Dad was an actor as was his brother-in-law who at the time was on a really popular Sci-Fi show here in the UK called Blakes 7. There was always a huge box of clothes for us to play with, none of the pre-made costumes that we have today, just dresses and blouses that were not getting worn any more.

As an adult I seem to have withdrawn from dressing up, I love texture and fabrics and colours. I love clothes and more so accessories. Do I buy any? No !
Now I am in my mid 30's I live in work clothes that get covered in paint, glue, snot and worse....euch! or lounging about clothes for doing the housework at home. I have lost the part that likes getting dressed up and putting make-up on. Last night I wore a top I bought a year ago and made myself keep it on. I did not want to stand out in the crowd, silly I know, but slowly I need to get back to liking dressing up and re-awaken the little girl inside me that did not care what other people thought about how she dressed.


Sylvie said...

I still love dressing up and I can't imagine that ever stopping, but I can also see the advantage of sometimes blending into a crowd.

Nic said...

Hi Angela!
It sounds like you had a lovely time watching the dance show.
I'm not one for dressing up, am very happy in jeans and T shirt.

Marie Rayner said...

I used to love playing dress up when I was a girl, and like you we had a box of old clothes to play with and we were quite happy with that. I always loved dressing up when I was a younger woman, but these days I just feel like it is not worth the effort as I probably wouldn't look all that great anyways! I live in jeans and t-shirts except for Sunday when I do put on a dress for church. Glad that you enjoyed your dance show. I bet your girls shone!